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"OUT-OfSIGHT and OUT-OF-MIND what is in your drinking water".
World Premiere

"OUT-OfSIGHT and OUT-OF-MIND what is in your drinking water".

Short40 37 minutes
"OUT-OfSIGHT and OUT-OF-MIND what is in your drinking water".
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There is a danger lurking in America's water systems. Join Potable Water Diving Contractor Ron Perrin, along with microbiologists and a former EPA employee as they discuss the problem. Ron Perrin is a diving contractor in Fort Worth Texas
Specializing in diving in potable water. Since 1997 his company has been inspecting and cleaning potable water storage tanks and towers. They have worked in 14 states. This has given him a very unique perspective on the country's drinking water distribution systems. Last year they inspected over 850 potable water storage tanks and cleaned about 150. The problem is about 700 needed to be cleaned. Many had never been cleaned. No regulation requires water tanks to be cleaned in most states.

Why does it matter?

A water storage tank is the last stop water makes between the water treatment plant and your tap. Over time sediment builds up on the floor of most storage tanks. This can add up to inches or even feet of sediment. Tank sediment can become a safe habitat for bacteria, protozoa, or viruses. Keeping the tank clean allows treatment chemicals to do the job they were designed to do. Water utility managers must understand the importance of keeping water storage tanks clean.
Producers: Ron L Perrin
From: United States
Produced In: United States
Directors: Ryan Bijan
Writers: Ron L Perrin
Lead Actors: Edwin Hernandez
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