Subtitles English
Regional Premiere



14 minutes
The diversity and fragility of children can sometimes create legends.
Genres: Comedy
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Massimino is the son of a Sardinian shepherd; in order not to graze the sheep he decides to tell his parents a lie that over time will become a local legend.
Massimino is the son of a Sardinian shepherd; in order not to graze the sheep he decides to tell his parents a lie that over time will become a local legend.
Studio: Rosario Iuculano
From: Italy
Produced In: Italy
Lead Actors: Massimino child:Kevin StatzuMassimino adult: Massimiliano Nocco
Supporting Actors: Massimino’s father: Paolo Dessi Massimino’s mother: Emanuela Gallus First old man: Giorgino Nocco First child: Liam Civitillo Second old man: Angelo Marongiu Second child: Antonio Gioele Sainas Ghost children: Matteo EccaDenise Santus Goalkeeper child: Gabriel Fiore Goalkeeper adult: William Fiore Children soccer players: Niccolò UcchedduMatteo UcchedduLuca LeddaAlessio SenisEdoardo Crobeddu Adults soccer players: Raffaele UcchedduOliviero LeddaRosario IuculanoAlessandro StatzuClaudio Crobeddu Lady with donkey: Regina Pinna Farmer: Giancarlo Sulas Massimino’s grandfather: Antonio Paolo Nocco   Voiceover: Massimiliano Nocco
Key Crew: Director: Massimiliano Nocco Subject: Massimiliano Nocco Screenplay: Massimiliano NoccoFrancesco SquillantiniFabio Corda Cinematography: Francesco Squillantini Camera operator: Francesco Squillantini Camera operator: Bruno Serpi Direct sound technician: Ulisse Porcu Microphone technician: Gavino Melis Assistant director: Giovanni Malik Musics: Alessandro LuchiStefano Pinna Costumes: Maria Bonaria Nocco Scenography: Eugenio NoccoLuciano Nocco Assistant director: Rosario Iuculano Editing: Massimiliano NoccoFrancesco Squillantini Producer: Rosario Iuculano
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